Waste Management

Waste Management introduction:

The responsibility for waste management unit based on notification No. 461 / B / 91 dated 06.08.91 Ms. Nahid Mohammadi - Environmental Health Expert (responsible for environmental health unit) has been assigned by Hospital administration.

With regard to the requirement to purchase hospital equipment and devices eradication of infectious waste, Track infectious waste elimination device suitable for the production of infectious hospital waste And also taking into account the standards issued by the Ministry of Health and Medical Sciences and the Department of office equipment in the year 2012 was on the agenda of Hospital waste management unit. After an examination carried out by the expert and quotations from different companies sell different products and also inquiries from several hospitals, Hospital buys a Hydrvklav device equipped with cutters.

This machine can work about 30 kilograms per cycle to sterilize infectious waste and non-hazardous waste and due to its good performance, decrease the volume. This action aims to respect and implementation of instructions issued by the ministry and the promotion of health indicators in the waste management sector in order to comply with environmental standards and upgrade the track hospital assessment has been conducted.

Categories of waste produced by the hospital are as follows:

  • Conventional waste or semi Homepage: Refers to wastes that have no particular problems in terms of transport, such as waste episode office, kitchen, pantry, wastes generated by visitors and service personnel.
  • Infectious and hazardous waste: Refers to waste that can at least convey an infectious disease.
  • Sharp waste: Such as needles, scalpel, and...
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical waste: Refers to wastes that are impregnated with chemicals or machinery.

The goal of the program Sajad hospital waste management:

  • Protect public health and the environment against the adverse effects of medical wastes.
  • Ensure proper implementation and management of regulated medical wastes in hospital.
  • Establish appropriate procedural and regulated to produce (with the aim of reducing the amount of produced waste), Collect the correct full compliance with the sanitary standards (lack of garbage juice sectors), Full compliance with sanitary regulations to carry principled temporary storage, To provide the necessary health conditions in transporting waste from temporary storage position by contracting companies (in order to respect the rights of citizens living in the vicinity of the hospital).

How to separate waste management:

Including the source separation, reducing and minimizing waste production, collection and sanitary transport, temporary storage and delivery contracts to the contractor for final disposal (No risk of infectious waste, sharp, chemical and pharmaceutical waste and landfill waste blocking normal).



 Sajad Hospital of Kermanshah