
Pharmacy Unit Introduction:

  • The pharmacy is located on the ground floor.
  • In the chart, medication management under the supervision of the Technical Unit of the hospital.
  • The unit personnel: Mr. Amiri: pharmaceutical technician.
  • Leave personnel: personnel for 30 days in a year's furlough
  • Personnel working hours: The occupational health unit working hours, such as administrative units from 7:30 to 14 pm and Evening opening hours are from 14 pm to 20, After working hours is considered overtime 14-00

Pharmacy staff duties:

Newly arrived personnel must be certified pharmacy technician and in the know have full knowledge of drugs and materials. The pharmacy technician must work with computer training and software suite Office is aware and over. After introducing himself to the pharmacy, the pharmacist in charge of pharmacy practice test that if you deserve to earn points will work properly prepared. After introducing himself to the pharmacy, the pharmacist in charge of pharmacy practice test that if you deserve to earn points will work properly prepared.

Responsible for IT, training sessions and orientation of newly arrived personnel working with software to organize HIS pharmacy and after the formation of class training to users, password is defined in the system. Pharmacy technician is required outpatient prescriptions (OTC) drugs and consumer price update with respect to the patient with a prescription delivered.

Pharmacy technicians should care about cleanliness pharmaceutical shelves and hospital service personnel grooming schedule will be asked again to take action toward cleaning up inside the drugstore cooperation.

Observe the expiration date and the Order of medicines in pharmacies are the important points that must be met.

Sections on demand for 15 days in HIS systems to the pharmacy to ask your necessities and the owner of the collection and preparation of requests on time to take action.

Address and control inventories of other functions are different pharmacies duties.

Pharmacy technician in the pharmacy must use the white coat and no drug should be withdrawn from the shelves.

Some of the machinery that would otherwise have to be refrigerated medication is corrupt and unusable. Under the supervision of responsible pharmacist a list of drugs available refrigerator, provided the sensitivity of these drugs in terms of importance to be determined.



 Sajad Hospital of Kermanshah